ARED is the use of national languages
for quality education
ARED is also
the development of books
in African national languages

Qui sommes-nous?

ARED is a non-governmental, non-profit organization based in Dakar, Senegal, West Africa. Founded in 1990 by Sonja Fagerberg-Diallo, ARED is dedicated to training, education and publishing in national languages in particular.

Notre engagement

ARED specializes in developing skills in the use of national languages and a network of partnerships in training, action research and publishing in national languages. It offers participatory education programs that enable grassroots individuals and communities to make informed choices

Notre Vision

African communities contribute to the continent’s equitable and sustainable development through quality education based on the use of their own languages.

Notre Action

ARED operates in two sectors of education: the formal sector (elementary education) and the non-formal sector. ARED provides technical support and a response to the demand for improved student performance in reading/writing, mathematics and science and social education (ESVS). 

Notre Mission

Promote quality education in national languages, for grassroots communities, through training, publishing, educational innovations and action research.

Notre Vocation

Promote an exchange between basic research and community action, as community members have been to school and those who have not been able to access the formal education system, endogenous and exogenous knowledge systems.

3e retraite du programme Daara Development Academy à New Delhi, Inde.

3e retraite du programme Daara Development Academy à New Delhi, Inde.

Dans le cadre du programme Daara Development Academy, financé par la Fondation Gates, ARED a eu l'honneur de participer à la 3e retraite organisée à New Delhi. Cet événement a réuni onze organisations africaines pour s'inspirer de l'expérience indienne en matière de FLN (Foundational Literacy and Numeracy/Compétences fondamentales en lecture-écriture et calcul).

Ndaw Wune : Un Programme d’Apprentissage Accéléré pour Soutenir l’Éducation au Sénégal

Ndaw Wune : Un Programme d’Apprentissage Accéléré pour Soutenir l’Éducation au Sénégal

Le programme Ndaw Wune (Succès pour tous), développé par l'ONG ARED (Associates for Research in Education and Development). Il est une initiative de rattrapage éducatif destinée aux enfants des classes CP et CE1 en difficulté scolaire. Ce programme novateur utilise des approches pédagogiques adaptées, des classes de petite taille, des groupes de niveaux et des langues nationales.

Our Programs

Our Results

ARED is a vast experience of success and innovation in publications and training.

Since its inception, ARED has successfully produced approximately 300 titles published in 7 series: Basic Literacy and Numeracy Skills Planning and Leadership Civil Society Literature, Culture and Local Knowledge Health Scientific and Technical Information Religion These publications are published mainly in the six national languages: pulaar, wolof, mandinka, seereer, sooninké and joola. To ensure better sharing with African partners, 29 of these titles are translated into French.

Education 67%
Edition Training Years Training 78%
Training 100%
0 Experience
0 Activities Performed
0 Books Sold
0 Trained Resources Persons
0 Children Affected

ARED is dedicated to training, education and publishing in national languages in particular. It focuses on educational innovations and action research in order to promote quality education through national languages, in favour of the beneficiaries of its programmes.


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